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Monday, January 25, 2016

Snow Day = Family Day

School had early release yesterday due to the threat of snow. No white stuff fell from the sky, but there was still this odd feeling of celebration in the air the next day. Students were exploring and getting "hands-on" with the field elements.
Not sure that all the students got this reference, but the mentors did. ;)
For some reason, the festive air of a "Snow Day" brought everyone out of their homes and over to our build site. We had visitors from at least 4 or 5 of our families stop out of the blue by to check out our progress and the build site.

We had another run with "humans as robots" (he shoots, he scores!) and also at traversing the game defenses by a sibling in a wheelchair.
He ROCKED the Drawbridge and even went over the Rough Terrain.

His challenge to the robot: If I can do it, you can do it."

Challenge accepted, my friend. Challenge accepted.